The Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme will close for applications at 11.59pm on Friday 10 November 2023. The programme offers free soil sampling, with a maximum of 16 samples collected per farm. The following frequently asked questions and answers guide, developed by the Department of Agriculture, covers common queries that will inform your decision on applying.

Q. Who can submit an application?

A. A farmer or his/her Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) agent can apply for the programme.

Q. Can I use a different agent?

A. A farmer may use an alternative agent. However, alternative agents must have been authorised by a farmer. See Terms and Conditions and link below for further details on how to do this.

Q. Can a farmer who did not submit a 2023 BISS application enter the programme?

A. No, the programme will only accept participants with a valid BISS 2023 application.

Q. How do I declare my land with my application?

A. The land a farmer declared on his/her BISS application will be land entered into the programme. However, a maximum of 16 soil samples will be taken under the programme.

Q. What is the sampling area for soil sampling?

A. The sampling area shall not exceed 4ha. Exceptionally, where soil types and cropping of lands were similar during the previous five years, a sample area of up to 5ha shall be deemed acceptable.

Q. Does all land entered need to be owned by the applicant?

A. No, land can be leased, rented or owned.

Q. Is commonage land allowed in the programme?

A. Yes, all land declared on the BISS 2023 will be entered into the programme, based on maximum number of samples.

Q. Can hill farmers apply?

A. Yes, hill farmers can apply.

Q. How will I know if my application was successful?

A. Letters will be posted to the address recorded in the farmers Ag Food Account 2023.

Q. Are partnerships eligible to apply?

A. Farmers in a Farm Partnership registered with the Department are eligible to apply for the programme, provided that the application is made in the same name as the BISS 2023 application. Land entered will be across the entire ‘partnership’ holding. All partners are jointly and severally responsible for adhering to the terms and conditions. The land declared on the BISS for the Partnership is subject to the overall maximum number of samples of 16.

Q. Who will sample my soils?

A. Soils will be sampled by qualified soil samplers who are contracted by the contractor.

Q. When will my soils be sampled?

A. Participants will be contacted by soil samplers any time after they receive their approval letter until Q3 of 2024.

Q. Can I spread fertilisers as normal if I apply?

A. Yes, although the dates that you apply fertiliser will affect the dates that your soil can be sampled.

Q. Is my information passed on to anybody other than the contractor?

A. No, information is not passed on to anybody other than the contractor.

Q. How long will the Soil Sampling Programme run?

A. This programme will run until Q4 of 2024.

Q. Can a herd number currently in the “REPS of” apply?

A. No, “REPS of” herd numbers are not eligible to apply.

Q. Can anyone in ACRES apply?

A. Yes, this programme is open to famers who are in ACRES.

Q. Can anyone who selected the Soil Sampling option under the Eco-Scheme 2023 apply?

A. No, any farmer who has selected the Soil Sampling option under the Eco-Scheme 2023 is not eligible to apply.

Q. How will applicants be selected if the programme is oversubscribed?

A. If the programme is oversubscribed, applicants will be selected on the basis of first come, first served across geographic region (NUTS3) and enterprise type (selected on application screen). The method will reflect the numbers and types of farms nationally.

Q. If I was approved and sampled in the Pilot Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme, can I apply to this year’s programme?

A. Applicants that were approved and were sampled in the pilot soil sampling programme are not eligible for this year’s programme.

Q. If I was approved but withdrew from the Pilot Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme, am I still eligible to apply to this year’s programme?

A. Applicants that were approved but withdrew or were not sampled in the pilot soil sampling programme are eligible for this year’s programme.

Q. When will I receive my results?

A. Standard Regulatory Nutrient results including pH, Morgan’s P and Mg will issue once the analysis is complete within the laboratory. The remainder of the test results will issue once that analysis is complete within the laboratory.

Q. Will both my agent and myself receive separate results?

A. Results will be emailed and/or posted to the address provided on Ag Food 2023.