Payments for year one of the Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme have started to hit farmer accounts, the Minister for Agriculture Martin Heydon has confirmed.

In total, over €4.73m has commenced issuing to 7,612 farmers who are participating in the scheme.

The Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme provides support to dairy farmers to improve the animal health and welfare of the national dairy herd by using better genetic merit beef sires.

This is the first year of the scheme as part of the CAP Strategic Plan, with payments issuing in respect of eligible calves born on applicant’s holdings between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024.

“With a budget of €25m over four years, the Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme is an important step in the development of a dairy-beef sector in Ireland.

"Last year was the first year of the scheme and its success so far demonstrates that farmers recognise the benefits from the greater integration of the beef and dairy herds that this scheme supports,” Minister Heydon said.

New applicants

Minister Heydon said that the scheme will reopen for applications in April 2025 for new applicants, but farmers who applied in 2024 do not need to reapply as their participation in the scheme will automatically continue.

A payment of €20 per eligible calf (up to a maximum of 50 calves per applicant herd) will be made to eligible participants and the Department advised that these payments will be visible in farmers' bank accounts in the coming days.

Farmers wishing to contact the Department regarding their Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme payments can ring the direct payments helpline at 057-8674422 or by email to