The Department of Agriculture issued correspondence to approved Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) advisers this week to highlight that ACRES co-operation participants completing non-productive investments (NPI) must adhere to revised specifications.

The relevant document which must be adhered to is NPI specification document version 2.0 September 2024. This version replaces the former November 2023 NPI document.

The circular stated: “CP participants who have already applied for NPI actions (via the 2023 and/or 2024 annual works plan application window) should follow the requirements for approved actions, using the NPI specification document, version 2.0 September 2024. The revised NPI specification document (version 2.0 September 2024) should also be referred to for future NPI application windows.”

The document can be found at Applicants should also note that works cannot commence work on NPIs until approval is granted in full from the Department.