The final date for submitting closing stocks of fertiliser is approaching fast on 15 October 2024. It is a legal requirement, under SI 378 of 2023, to declare closing stocks. This includes farmers who have no fertiliser on hand – in such instances a ‘nil’ declaration must be submitted.

Where fertiliser is present, then the declaration should include the type of fertiliser and the quantities held at 12.59pm on 14 September 2024, with the prohibited application period commencing on 15 September 2024.

The facility for declaring closing stocks on the National Fertiliser Database is only available on, ie no paper applications can be submitted. Agents/advisers approved to act on a farmer’s behalf can also complete the submission.

The Department of Agriculture issued correspondence to all Farm Advisory System (FAS) advisers this week, informing them that a facility is available to see a list providing information in relation to registrations and closing stocks for farmer clients.

The Department states that this addition giving advisers greater visibility of closing stocks was introduced in response to adviser feedback. It added: “We would be very grateful for the assistance of advisers in ensuring that farmers meet this deadline.

“Farmers should be aware that submitting false or inaccurate closing stock values could result in sanctions being applied to their BISS and other area-based payments received from the Department of Agriculture.”

Nitrates derogation

The correspondence also issued a warning for farmers availing of a nitrates derogation in 2024. It said a failure to comply with the terms and conditions, including the submission of closing stocks for fertiliser and lime, will result in rejection from the derogation for 2024 and ineligibility to apply in 2025.

Eco Scheme concerns

The Department is also advising that farmers who selected the Eco Scheme measure agricultural practice 3 (AP3), limiting chemical fertiliser, will not have their payment processed until they submit closing stocks.

It says that farmers impacted and all FAS advisers were notified of this requirement in September 2024.

If a farmer who chose AP3 has still not submitted a closing declaration in early 2025, then their Eco Scheme payment will not be fully processed and, where applicable, no payment will be made, including the potential for a 10% dropped action penalty calculated on the total Eco Scheme that would have been forthcoming if terms and conditions were met.

Making a declaration

The process is relatively straightforward:

  • Log on to your agfood account.
  • Scroll down to national fertiliser database.
  • Click on the three dots under the word ‘actions’ and ‘closing stocks’.
  • On the next webpage, tick the relevant box. If declaring no stocks, a pop-up box will appear to confirm.
  • If declaring a closing stock then you will be brought through to a facility to select the fertiliser type and the volume of fertiliser that you have on hand.