The process of negotiating a replacement for CAP following UK withdrawal from the EU will shape the future of agriculture, but will be a long process which will require patience, UFU president Barclay Bell said in a statement on Thursday which outlined the union’s priorities.

“We have to start with a road map of where we want to go. That is why we believed that it was crucial, even at this early stage, to set out what we consider the priorities are for the negotiations,” Bell said.

The UFU want “best possible access” to the EU market for trade, as well as additional trade agreements outside of Europe. In order to remain competitive in the UK market, the union wants action to ensure food production is not undermined in the UK by cheap imports.

“Minimising disruption to existing trade relationships between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland” is included in the UFU’s priorities also.

CAP replacement

On a UK domestic policy to replace CAP, priorities include maintaining support at the current level provided by the EU and also maintaining Northern Ireland’s share of UK financial support. The union wants future support targeted at farms that take “the financial risks in primary food production”.

Reduced and simplified regulation in an “advocacy first, regulation second” approach and creating policies to improve the competitiveness of farming and a fairer food supply chain, are cited in the UFU’s priorities. Plant health, breeding research and access to seasonal and full-time labour are also included in the list.

NFU priorities

The UFU’s list largely mirrors the agreement drawn up by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) at its council meeting last week.

A few differences include the UFU highlighting that the distribution of financial support from the EU within the UK should be maintained and the NFUs mention a new rural development policy. The NFU wants this to improve competitiveness in farming and deliver improved agri-environment schemes.

Bell said that the UFU would seek support from the Northern Ireland Executive for these priorities and would also meet with the other main UK farming unions and Copa-Cogeca in Europe to discuss post-Brexit plans.

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Post-Brexit subsidies a priority for UFU

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