A public consultation on the conditions contained in Ireland’s nitrates derogation has been launched by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government.
The consultation is part of a review process examining further opportunities for derogation farmers to improve efficiencies and continue to reduce their environmental footprint.
Marked increase
Almost 7,000 intensively stocked farmers, mainly in the dairy sector, with an agricultural area of 466,000ha availed of the derogation in 2018.
There has been a marked increase in both area and number farming under derogation since 2014.
A copy of the consultation document is available on the Department's website here.
The closing date for receipt of responses is 10 May 2019.
A review group, chaired by the two Departments and consisting of officials from the Environmental Protection Agency and Teagasc, will consider all submissions received and draw up recommendations.
The outcome of the review will be published mid-year to allow derogation farmers sufficient time to plan for 2020 and beyond.
Completed submissions can be sent by email to derogationreview@agriculture.gov.ie or by post to Derogation Review, Nitrates Biodiversity and Engineering, Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Johnstown Castle, Co Wexford, Y35 PN52.