Teagasc has published its harvest report for 2022 and total cereal production is estimated at 2.42m tonnes in 2022, up 93,200t (4%) from harvest 2021.
Teagasc reported record yields in spring barley, oilseed rape and spring oat crops, while winter wheat matched the record set in 2015 with an average yield of 11t/ha. All cereal crops were reported to have yields above the five-year average.
The cereal area had increased by 4.2%, helped by the Tillage Incentive Scheme, and, combined with good weather conditions, this increased yield levels.
'Good yields'
Teagasc head of crops knowledge transfer Michael Hennessy commented: “Harvest 2022 was one of the best harvests in recent memory, with a combination of good yields and good harvest conditions all combining to make this a profitable seasons for tillage farmers.
“2023 is going to be more challenging for tillage farmers," he added. "We have already seen an increase in seed costs and signals are that fertiliser, plant protection products and machinery costs will all increase in 2023.”
Winter cereal plantings
While weather was good for harvest, it is estimated that the winter cereal area is down approximately 30,000ha this season, mainly due to poor sowing conditions.
However, winter oilseed rape area has increased to an estimated 19,000ha as harvest finished early and allowed for early sowing. Good prices were also available for the crop.
Average yields of crops for 2022 (2021 in brackets)
Winter wheat – 11.01t/ha (10.8t/ha).Spring wheat – 7.91t/ha (8.21t/ha).Winter barley – 8.68t/ha (9.42t/ha). Spring barley – 8.10t/ha (7.89t/ha). Winter oats – 9.20t/ha (9.32t/ha).Spring oats – 7.90t/ha (7.72t/ha). Winter oilseed rape – 5.1t/ha (4.5t/ha). Spring beans – 6.1t/ha (5.2t/ha).
Teagasc has published its harvest report for 2022 and total cereal production is estimated at 2.42m tonnes in 2022, up 93,200t (4%) from harvest 2021.
Teagasc reported record yields in spring barley, oilseed rape and spring oat crops, while winter wheat matched the record set in 2015 with an average yield of 11t/ha. All cereal crops were reported to have yields above the five-year average.
The cereal area had increased by 4.2%, helped by the Tillage Incentive Scheme, and, combined with good weather conditions, this increased yield levels.
'Good yields'
Teagasc head of crops knowledge transfer Michael Hennessy commented: “Harvest 2022 was one of the best harvests in recent memory, with a combination of good yields and good harvest conditions all combining to make this a profitable seasons for tillage farmers.
“2023 is going to be more challenging for tillage farmers," he added. "We have already seen an increase in seed costs and signals are that fertiliser, plant protection products and machinery costs will all increase in 2023.”
Winter cereal plantings
While weather was good for harvest, it is estimated that the winter cereal area is down approximately 30,000ha this season, mainly due to poor sowing conditions.
However, winter oilseed rape area has increased to an estimated 19,000ha as harvest finished early and allowed for early sowing. Good prices were also available for the crop.
Average yields of crops for 2022 (2021 in brackets)
Winter wheat – 11.01t/ha (10.8t/ha).Spring wheat – 7.91t/ha (8.21t/ha).Winter barley – 8.68t/ha (9.42t/ha). Spring barley – 8.10t/ha (7.89t/ha). Winter oats – 9.20t/ha (9.32t/ha).Spring oats – 7.90t/ha (7.72t/ha). Winter oilseed rape – 5.1t/ha (4.5t/ha). Spring beans – 6.1t/ha (5.2t/ha).