Quality light store cattle are said to be met with firm farmer demand, with grass buyers still active for all types of suckler-bred stock.

Angus and Hereford of good quality and suitable for feeding into O+ grade are a solid trade also, with light 400kg to 500kg types being met with the best demand.

The weakening beef market and Mercusor deal announcement have shaken confidence around the ring, but, with relatively low numbers on offer, the effect so far is minimal.

The cow trade has seen a weakening of prices, in particular for lighter store types, with many thin continental cows moving at €1.30/kg to €1.50/kg.

Forward-store cows are a little easier also, with prices ranging from €1.50/kg to €1.65/kg. There are fewer factory-fit cows selling for close to €1.85/kg, with €1.70/kg to €1.80/kg taking out most of the better-quality heavy cows.

In some cases, plainer factory-fit types are selling from €1.60/kg upwards.

Friesian cows are a tad easier also, especially for store cows straight from the parlour.

These are selling mainly from €0.80/kg to €1.00/kg at the upper end of the market.


Short-keep bullocks over 600kg are selling from €1.70/kg to €2.00/kg, with quality having a big impact on prices. There are more plain-quality dairy-bred steers coming on the market, which is having an effect on prices, but so too is the reduced demand. Forward stores from 500kg to 600kg are selling from €1.90/kg to €2.00/kg, back €20 to €30/head on last week. Lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg are the most resilient to the easier trade with a good deal of farmer demand present for them. The best demand is for better-quality types.


Heifer prices are not back as much as steers. Heavy heifers over 600kg are selling for about 10c/kg more than the equivalent steer, but the quality of those on offer is a bit better than steers. Forward store heifers from 400kg to 500kg are selling mainly from €1.90/kg to €2.00/kg, but the top third are still selling from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg. Light store heifers, like bullocks, are being met with good farmer demand for better-quality lots. The average 450kg heifer is making twice the weight, with the top third selling from €2.20/kg to €2.35/kg.


The weanling trade is mostly solid, especially for better-quality types. Mart managers have said that bulls from 300kg to 400kg are from €2.00/kg to €2.15/kg, but prices are 10c/kg to 20c/kg higher in stronger suckler areas. Heavy bulls over 450kg are an easier trade with feeder demand reduced on last year. Weanling heifers from 300kg to 400kg are at similar prices to bulls, with top quality selling from €900 to €950/head. Lighter heifers from 200kg to 300kg are selling mainly from €2.00/kg to €2.50/kg, depending on quality.

Read more

Steady trade for quality light store cattle

Camera at the Mart: steady farmer demand for quality weanlings in Ennis

Camera at the Mart: quality cattle a strong trade at Ballymote

Camera at the Mart: bumper calf trade at Kilrea Mart

NI trends: beef prices drop as slaughter delays build; lamb prices cut