A sharp tightening in supplies has halted last week’s price collapse, with many marts recording a recovery in prices.

Lamb prices in marts held since the start of the week have lifted by €3 to €5 per head, although many of these marts did experience a greater price fall last week.

Factory lambs weighing 41kg to 44kg are selling from €110 to €120 per head. Some managers report lambs having a lower cover of flesh and, as such, fleshed lambs are attracting a price premium.

Butchers have been most active for lambs weighing 45kg to 48kg, paying a top price of €130 to €133 per head, but have also had to revert to purchasing 43kg and 44kg and paying up to €125 per head where supplies have been restricted.

Lighter lambs suitable for further feeding are selling from €55 to €65 over the weight.

Hogget supplies have nearly dried up completely. Fleshed lots weighing 45kg to 50kg are selling from €100 to €110 per head, with heavier lots selling to €120 per head.

Heavy ewe hoggets are selling from €125 to €140 for the best quality lots. Demand for lighter tail-end hoggets is slower, with lots weighing 40kg selling from €40 to €55 over.

The cull ewe trade is firm with a recovery in factory demand putting more life into the trade.

Fleshed crossbred and average sized ewes are selling from €80 to €100 per head, with buyers purchasing for the live export trade driving prices to €115 per head for fleshed heavy carcase ewes.