Mart managers in many parts of the country report entries of breeding sheep reducing quickly.

This is not surprising, given reports of higher numbers of yearling hoggets being slaughtered this spring.

Prices are solid, but a wider differential exists from sales held earlier in the season due to more variation in quality.

There are still top-quality hoggets rising to and exceeding the €300/head mark, but a range of €230 to €280/head is accounting for the majority of good-quality sheep.

Lighter hoggets possessing good breeding potential are topping €200/head, with smaller numbers back to €170/head.

Sales of Scottish Blackface sheep from specialist breeding groups are set to ramp up over the coming weeks, with early indications that sales will mimic the improved performance in lowland sales.

The trade for finished lambs is unchanged, with top-quality lots commanding a price premium and plainer-quality or lambs with a variable cover of flesh stickier.

A share of good-quality fleshed lambs weighing 50kg-plus continue to trade from €155 to €160, with heavy and excellent-quality types rising to €165 and over. Lambs lacking flesh or likely to kill poorly are trading at €150 and under.

Demand for store lambs is solid. Well-bred and nicely presented lowland lambs range in the main from €2.90/kg to €3.20/kg, with a selection of lambs topping this price range.

Plainer-quality crossbred and poorly fleshed lambs that will take time to regain condition are trading from €2.50/kg to €2.80/kg, with some forward hill lambs also in this bracket.

Demand for lighter lambs is firmer, with good-quality types typically exceeding €2/kg and ranging anywhere from €2/kg to €2.50/kg depending on weight and condition.

Cull ewes are also steady, with a high percentage of fleshed lots selling from €1.80/kg to €2.10/kg and select lots of large-framed ewe capable of delivering high-quality carcases selling upwards of €2.20/kg.

Feeding ewes range from €1.60/kg to €1.85/kg, with light Scottish Blackface ewes selling from less than €1/kg for boner types to €1.20/kg to €1.40/kg.