Raphoe Mart, Co Donegal, has a long tradition of holding a special show and sale of Easter lambs the week before Easter and the 2023 sale took place last Monday in advance of this weekend’s Easter trade.

A number of butchers from the local towns of Clonmany, Falcarragh, Raphoe, Castlefin, Ballybofey and Kilacrennan were all in attendance.

Judge for the day was local woman Alison McCrabbe and she picked out Peter Patton’s two lambs weighing 45kg as her first-prizewinners, which went on to sell for €295/each.

While spring lamb numbers were tidy, there was a big sale of sheep, with big numbers of hoggets still coming out in the northwest.

Heavy spring lambs ranging in weight from 50kg to 55kg sold for €160 to €175/head. Lambs in the 40kg to 50kg weight bracket sold for €140 to €160/head, while lighter lambs in the 34kg to 40kg weight bracket sold for €120 to €140/head.

There was also good demand for hoggets, with a number of factory buyers in attendance.

Factory-fit hoggets in the 48kg to 60kg weight bracket sold for €140 to €166.

Lighter hoggets in the 42kg to 47kg bracket sold for €120 to €140/head, while lighter store hoggets sold for €100 to €120/head.

There was also good farmer appetite for ewes with lambs at foot. Ewes with two lambs at foot sold from €180 to €330/outfit, while ewes with one lamb at foot sold from €150 to €240.

Cull ewes sold from €60 to €120/head, depending on weight and flesh cover.

Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal, Raphoe Mart manager Ann Harkin said: “We saw an improvement in the trade last week with factory quotes moving up also lifting the mart trade.

“We would expect to see more spring lambs coming out in the next few weeks.”

In pictures

First-prizewinning lambs with mart manager Ann Harkin; judge Alison McCrabbe; Damien McGlynn; auctioneer Robert Gurley; and owners Peter and Grace Patton. The lambs weighed 45kg and sold for €295. \ Glenalla Photography

Second prizewinner John McConnell with mart manager Ann Harkin; judge Alison McCrabbe; sponsor Damien McGlynn (Kiernan Milling) and judge Robert Gurley. The lambs weighed 50kg and sold for €220. \ Glenalla Photography

Third prizewinner John Gibbons with mart manager Ann Harkin; judge Alison McCrabbe; sponsor Damien McGlynn (Kiernan Milling; auctioneer Robert Gurley. The lambs weighed 43kg and sold for €168. \ Glenalla Photography