Sheep prices have maintained their recent upward momentum, boosted this week by challenging drafting and transport conditions leading to a further tightening in supplies. Quotes for quality-assured lambs are in the region of €8.90/kg to €9.10/kg. This equates to an increase of €2/kg to €2.20/kg on the corresponding period in 2024, or about €45 to €50 per head on a 23kg carcase.
Live prices are running upwards of 80c/kg to €1/kg higher with marts enjoying greater competition between agents. The cull ewe trade has sharpened considerably, with Ballon Meats lifting its quote to €5/kg, while other plants are operating at opening quotes of €4.40/kg to €4.60/kg.
Mart prices are running from 60c/kg to 85c/kg higher with a high percentage of fleshed ewes selling from €2.20/kg to €2.50/kg and recording a per head increase of €50 to €80. The latest Department of Agriculture sheep kill figures for last week show throughput running 20% lower than in 2024.