Fertiliser application

Reports indicate that many farmers are experiencing difficulty in building autumn grass supplies. The volume of rain that fell in many sheep strongholds over the last week leaves little chance of farmers applying fertiliser until ground conditions recover, while a deterioration in ground conditions is shortening grazing times.

There is significant variation between regions with some areas, particularly in the southeast, receiving low volumes of rainfall and witnessing grass growth slowing considerably due to low soil moisture. This has improved for many in recent days, but some areas remain challenged.

The earlier fertiliser can be applied in the last application, the better the response will be in general. The last day for applying nitrogen and phosphorus is 14 September. Potassium can be applied after this date and it is important that soils are replenished where there has been a significant offtake via harvested crops.

Remember, the deadline for applying lime under the National Liming Programme is 31 October 2024. Farmers on more marginal grounds should avail of any opportunities that present themselves, given the deterioration in ground conditions of late.

Grass demand

With covers hard to build, it is important to keep on top of grass demand and monitor lamb and ewe drafting rates. The target is to have 20 days grazing ahead of stock in early September, building to 30 days ahead by early October.

Teagasc targets for a mid-season flock lambing from the start to mid-March are to have at least 45% of lambs drafted for sale by mid-August, rising to 70% by mid-September. Ewe lambs selected to be retained for breeding should be included in these figures.

Where drafting rates are running behind target, the options available include introducing supplementary feed or considering selling lambs or cull ewes as stores to reduce grass demand. Account should also be taken of ewe condition and whether or not more ewes need preferential treatment.

Store lamb budgets

The price of lowland store lambs is being boosted by higher deadweight lamb prices. Mart managers report a keen appetite from buyers who achieved positive performance with the 2023 crop of lambs. It is advisable to do the sums before purchasing to critically assess the options available to you.

The Teagasc store lamb calculator, which can be found atteagasc.ie/animals/sheep/financial-management/ has been updated to the 2024 version and is a great aid in completing finishing budgets. It can be equally useful for farmers weighing up to sell or to finish lambs.

TAMS closing dates

The fourth tranche of the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme will close for applications on Friday 6 September 2024. The fifth tranche will open for applications on Saturday 7 September 2024 and close on Friday 6 December 2024.

The option is still available for farmers to purchase mobile equipment following an application before being granted approval. In such cases, the risk of failing to receive subsequent approval lies with the applicant, and unsuccessful applications will be carried forward to subsequent tranches, where applicable. Fixed investments cannot be progressed with until approval has been granted.