A significant reduction in lamb entries in many marts is helping the trade resist the full effects of recent factory price pressure.

A number of mart managers report throughput falling by 10% to upwards of 20%, with sales notably smaller for the time of year.

Some mart managers also comment that the shorter window of good weather also fed into lower entries.

Prices for well-fleshed lambs weighing from 48kg to 52kg-plus range on average from €175 to €185, with top prices for the best-quality lambs topping €190 and rising as high as €200 for lambs attracting butcher buyer interest.

Flesh cover is reported as being more variable, with small numbers of similar-weight lambs lacking significant flesh selling back to €170 and under.

General run

Likewise, the general run of prices for lambs weighing 45kg to 47kg is in the region of €158 to €170, but there is a €5 to €8 window either side of this range, depending on quality.

The differential is wider for lighter lambs weighing 40kg to 42kg of varying quality and flesh cover, with prices ranging anywhere from €130 to upwards of €150/head.

The number of store lambs appearing is rising slowly, but, similar to finished lambs, remains behind normal levels for the time of year.

Nicely presented lowland lambs weighing from 35kg to 38kg sold from €125 to €135, with plainer-quality and crossbred lambs falling back to €110 to €120.

The cull ewe trade is steady, with buyers purchasing ewes for live export active in some marts again this week, while buyers purchasing heavy fleshed ewes for special orders are also active.

The general run of prices for heavy ewes weighing 90kg to 100kg upwards ranges from €180 to €200, with isolated lots rising to €220 to €230/head.

A high percentage of fleshed ewes are trading from €1.70/kg to €1.90/kg, with medium weight ewes from €1.50/kg to €1.75/kg.

Light hill ewes are anywhere from €1/kg for lots lacking significant flesh cover to €1.30/kg to €1.50/kg for heavier fleshed hill ewes capable of delivering a carcase over 30kg.