Demand for cull ewes has ignited, with factory agents exhibiting much greater demand and mart prices increasing by upwards of €5 to €10/head. The two Irish Country Meats (ICM) plants in Camolin and Navan are setting the pace of movement on ewes and have increased quotes by 50c/kg.
Demand for cull ewes has ignited, with factory agents exhibiting much greater demand and mart prices increasing by upwards of €5 to €10/head.
The two Irish Country Meats (ICM) plants in Camolin and Navan are setting the pace of movement on ewes and have increased quotes by 50c/kg.
The plants have introduced two ewe quotes from this week and are quoting €5/kg for fleshed ewes delivering a carcase from 20kg to 45kg and €4.50/kg for fleshed ewe carcases less than 20kg.
The higher quote brings the plants on to the same footing for ewes as Ballon Meats, which is also quoting €5/kg.
Quotes in other plants not offering official quotes are reported as ranging from €4.40/kg to €4.60/kg for heavier carcase fleshed ewes.
The upward movement in the trade is clearly evident in mart sales, with agents exhibiting much greater purchasing power and pushing prices for good-quality ewes to upwards of €2.30/kg to €2.60/kg.
Lamb trade
The lamb trade has also recorded further significant upward movement since last week.
ICM plants are starting the week with a base quote of €9/kg plus 20c/kg quality assurance (QA) payment. This has moved prices for groups and regular sellers to €9.30/kg to €9.40/kg.
Individual sellers with less negotiating power are trading around the €9.20/kg mark, with some struggling to negotiate the higher prices opting for the live trade.
Prices in Northern Ireland are also moving upwards, with another 10p/kg going to regular sellers.
Most plants continue to try to open negotiations on a base of £7/kg (€8.40/kg), but an increasing number of lambs are trading from £7.10/kg to £7.20/kg (€8.52/kg to €8.64/kg), with top prices surpassing this level.