There is much more life in the sheep trade since the weekend, with factory agents exhibiting a much greater demand for hoggets. Supplies have also tightened considerably which is adding more competition to the trade. Base quotes have increased by 10c/kg, but prices for large batches and paid to regular sellers are running 20c/kg higher.
There is much more life in the sheep trade since the weekend, with factory agents exhibiting a much greater demand for hoggets. Supplies have also tightened considerably which is adding more competition to the trade.
Base quotes have increased by 10c/kg, but prices for large batches and paid to regular sellers are running 20c/kg higher.
Opening prices offered to sellers with low numbers or selling on an infrequent basis are in the region of €8.80/kg for quality assured (QA) hoggets with groups being paid 10c/kg higher.
Large batches traded by regular sellers are selling from €9/kg to €9.10/kg.
Higher carcase weight limit
The lower quote is typically being paid to a higher carcase weight limit of 23.5kg, with more sellers with greater bargaining power securing additional weight allowances.
Factories remain keen for hoggets, killing at less than 23kg carcase weight however and this is a good negotiating position for finishers with such sheep.
Mart trade
Mart managers report prices strengthening by €2 to €4 in sales held on Saturday and again on Monday.
Entries have fallen sharply with some sales reporting throughput down by as much as 30% to 50% despite no sale being held in the previous week on St Patrick’s Day.
There was an entry of just 200 sheep in Kilkenny Mart on Monday. Auctioneer George Candler reported prices hitting a high of €230 per head for hoggets weighing 60kg, while a couple of batches of hoggets weighing 52kg to 54kg topped the €220 mark.
Lighter lots weighing 51kg to 53kg sold from €201 to €208 per head.
Clare Mart manager Martin McNamara reported that a higher percentage of the sale entry on Monday comprised top-quality hoggets which boosted average prices.
Heavier hoggets weighing over 54kg sold from €210 to €220 with lighter lots weighing around the 50kg mark selling from €200 to €207 per head.
Ewe trade
The ewe trade is solid, with opening quotes in the majority of factories in the region of €5/kg.
Higher numbers of good-quality ewes are selling from €5.20/kg to €5.40/kg depending on negotiating power, while producers and agents handling large numbers of good-quality ewes and trading with plants or abattoirs specialising in the ewe trade continuing to secure €5.70/kg to €6/kg.
The mart trade remains a better outlet for many producers with small numbers of top-quality ewes with such ewes selling anywhere from €2.70/kg to upwards of €3/kg liveweight.