The trade for factory lambs was quite good. Prices were back, but only slightly on the week before.
Mart manager Gerry Connellan said that the week before saw a larger drop in prices due to less exporter demand.
In terms of Monday night’s sale, he said that factory buyers, butchers and farmers were active for stores and fat lambs.
In general, store lambs were selling for about €2/kg, with the majority of those from 30kg to 35kg making from €65 to €75/head, while heavier types from 35kg to 40kg were selling mainly from €81 to €89/head.
Gerry said that demand for stores is still quite strong, despite poor weather conditions, and, as a result, prices have continued to hold fairly firm.
There were a good share of breeders on offer, but prices were not as strong as last year. The majority of breeders were making from €110 to €140/head. Last year, prices would have ran from €130 to €170 for the same types.
Cull ewes are a fairly steady trade, with factory agents and farmers the main buyers. Prices ranged mainly from €86 to €105. Commission rates are €1 to the buyer and €1.50/head to the seller.