There is a much more positive tone to the hogget trade over the last week, with base quotes lifting over the weekend by 20c/kg.

The two Irish Country Meats (ICM) plants in Camolin and Navan and Ballon Meats continue to be the only plants officially quoting, with the two ICM plants out in front with their base quote of €8.80/kg plus 20c/kg quality assurance (QA) payment.

Reports indicate that the majority of plants are also willing to negotiate at this level.

Groups and regular sellers are securing returns of €9.10/kg for hoggets, while those handling large numbers and possessing extra negotiating power are securing returns rising to €9.20/kg and higher.

This has become increasingly apparent in live sales, with agents much more anxious to get their hands on higher numbers and competing with greater intensity (see comment below).

Some mart managers report farmers struggling to negotiate higher prices with factories opting to market sheep live.

Supplies remain tight at just 35,811 head. Some will note that there was a day’s less processing last week with the bank holiday, but this made little difference, with many plants processing on three or four days since the turn of the year due to the tightness in supplies.

The kill figure for the corresponding week in 2024 was 45,523 head, which shows the day’s less processing had no effect.

Ewe trade

The cull ewe trade is strong, with opening quotes now in the region of €5/kg for fleshed ewes.

Those handling higher numbers are securing an extra 10c/kg to 20c/kg, while at the top end of the market plants or abattoirs most active in the ewe trade are paying a premium for top-quality ewes.

The mart trade remains vibrant and is the go-to outlet for heavier ewes or those capable of delivering high-quality U grading carcases.

The trade for rams has also improved in marts, possibly due to some buyers putting supplies together ahead of the Islamic religious festival of Ramadan, which starts at the end of the month.

Reports indicate some plants are quoting upwards of €1.50/kg less for rams than they are for ewes, while others are willing to do deals where traded with batches of ewes. It is worth weighing up your options and comparing the live and dead trades.

Northern Ireland

Factories in Northern Ireland have held their base quote for Thursday at £7/kg (€8.39/kg at 83.5p to the euro).

This has opened up a greater differential with the trade in plants in Ireland and is feeding into more sheep being exported. For example, the latest DAERA figures show exports for direct slaughter to Ireland last week increase by 900 head to 5,967.

Plants are having to pay regular sellers 15p/kg to 20p/kg above quotes to secure sales.