There are sharply contrasting fortunes for producers selling cull ewes and hoggets over the last week. Demand for cull ewes is outstripping supplies, with live prices rising by 5c/kg to 10c/kg and deadweight prices as high as €6/kg are being paid. In contrast, hoggets have endured another cut of 10c/kg in most plants. This leaves base quotes in the region of €8.60/kg to €8.70/kg for quality assured (QA) hoggets, with a high percentage of hoggets now trading between €8.70/kg and €8.80/kg and fewer reports above this range.
There are sharply contrasting fortunes for producers selling cull ewes and hoggets over the last week. Demand for cull ewes is outstripping supplies, with live prices rising by 5c/kg to 10c/kg and deadweight prices as high as €6/kg are being paid.
In contrast, hoggets have endured another cut of 10c/kg in most plants. This leaves base quotes in the region of €8.60/kg to €8.70/kg for quality assured (QA) hoggets, with a high percentage of hoggets now trading between €8.70/kg and €8.80/kg and fewer reports above this range.
The exception to lower hogget quotes is Ballon Meats, which is quoting €8.80/kg for hoggets. The Carlow-based plant is also driving the trade for cull ewes, with its quote for Thursday rising by 20c/kg to €5.70/kg. Other plants are offering an open quote of €5/kg, but are paying anywhere from €5.20/kg to €5.40/kg and higher for specialist orders.
The mart trade for ewes is vibrant with live prices rising by 5c/kg to 10c/kg. Good-quality lowland ewes are selling in the main from €2.65/kg to €2.85/kg with select lots of well-conformed ewes rising to and exceeding €3/kg. The hogget trade in Northern Ireland also remains under pressure, with base quotes falling to £6.80/kg (€8.07/kg). This has resulted in a growing differential opening between prices there and in Britain, with the AHDB reporting prices steady at £7.45/kg (€8.73/kg).