The harm that out-of-control dogs can do to sheep and lambs is financially and emotionally devastating for farm families, Minister for Agriculture Martin Heydon has said.
Speaking at the lauch of a national awareness campaign to remind dog owners of their responsibilities, the Minister said he wants the campaign to make people think twice about letting their dog loose and uncontrolled.
“We have to remember that dog owners have serious responsibilities in every setting, but a particular focus is needed in rural areas where we are currently in lambing season.
“There can be zero tolerance for people who do not keep their dogs under proper control,” he said.
Minister for Rural and Community Development Dara Calleary said that in the vast majority of cases, dog owners are very responsible, care greatly for their dogs and do their best to ensure they are kept under control.
Harsh reality
“The problem is that some dog owners think their dog can do no harm. The harsh reality is that, occasionally, uncontrolled dogs cause serious harm to children, livestock and other dogs in towns and villages across the country.
“The goal of this campaign is to promote responsible ownership and make sure everyone is clear about their legal requirements.
“Dog owners must be aware that if your dog injures people or animals, you are responsible. The main message here is: ‘your dog is your responsibility’,” he said.
The campaign will run from 24 March 2025 until 20 April 2025 across radio, podcasts, print, out of home, and online media.