Selena McKenzie,
Co Wicklow
“Our farm is bordering a Coillte forest and people have a tendency to let their dogs off the lead for a good run. They drop down into the farm and chase the sheep.
“Sometimes nature is a cruel master. We are very well monitored by the Department of Agriculture and that just does not happen for the ownership of dogs. People should have the right to own a dog, but they should know where it is at all times and it should be microchipped.”
Seamus Cullen,
Co Wicklow
“You think it’s only the five or 10 sheep [that are killed], but it’s the whole stock that’s ruined because they don’t get right.
“The rest of the sheep worry after the attack.
“A dog kill at this time of the year; ewes are heavy in-lamb and you get an awful amount of losses, even at birth.
“There should be no dogs allowed to walk out loose. They should be on a lead and the owner should be held very much responsible.”
Owen Brady,
Co Wicklow
“There shouldn’t be any dogs on the National Parks where the sheep are up in the mountains. They have signs to put dogs on leads, but they are never followed.
“They should be able to make up dog parks for them. They shouldn’t be on top of us and terrorising the sheep.
“You worry about it every time you go out; you don’t know when you’re going to have your next attack.”
Read more
Dog warden criticises ‘very limited’ power with sheep kills
Four in-lamb ewes killed in dog attack in Co Clare
Dog control must fall under one department - Wicklow IFA
ISPCA issues dog control warning during lambing