Religious celebrations marking the end of the month-long Islamic Ramadan festival have delivered a final boost to sheep markets with hogget quotes rising by 10c/kg this week.

An increasing percentage of hoggets are selling for over €9/kg. Hogget quotes continue to run €1.60/kg ahead of the corresponding period in 2023, or €37 higher on a 23kg carcase.

Quotes for quality-assured spring lambs range on average from €9.30/kg to €9.40/kg, with top prices exceeding €9.50/kg.

Factories have also moved to increase their competitiveness in the cull ewe market with quotes rising by 20c/kg to 30c/kg and now surpassing €4/kg. Marts continue to record prices in excess of €2/kg and as high as €2.20/kg to €2.40/kg.