The Irish Farmers Journal this week carried out a survey with merchants on the cost of silage wrap and netting. Baling activity is likely to take off this week and the cost of netting and silage wrap is one aspect that can influence the final cost of making a bale.
Netting is averaging just under €175 for 3,600m. There are 4,500m sizes on offer in most stores and these are priced at €274.
Interestingly, the smaller size offers better value. It was 5c/m while the larger size was 6c/m. However, the longer rolls may represent a time saving when it comes to changing rolls.
In comparison with previous years where wrap was averaging €85, this year’s prices are slightly lower, with the average price across all regions quoted at €81.25. Suppliers say this could rise as the summer progresses and stocks start to run low.
The best deals are available for those buying in bulk. All suppliers surveyed offered keen rates for those willing to take pallets of 40 rolls, with delivery to the yard included in the cost.
The lowest price quoted was €77 in the north of the country for a single roll. The south had the most expensive, costing €85 each. Slightly lower prices were available in the east and west, with rolls available at €80 and €83 respectively.
While there was only a small level of variation across the country on average prices, there were large variations in the price between brands. This ranged from €5 to €10, with quality of the wrap reported for the difference in price. Buyers should also be mindful when purchasing of getting a six-digit code which will have a knock-on effect of the cost of recycling the wrap.