Irish veterinary students awarded veterinary fellowship
Grace Hoare
The students will look into animal stress intervention methods over the course of the project, to try and enhance animal welfare and promote sustainable animal production.
19 May 2023 News
Poultry welfare proposals could ‘quadruple’ chicken costs – IFA
Costs would surge if poultry stocking rates are dropped and low limits set for broiler growth rates, Sweetnam said.
3 May 2023 News
FAO highlights value of meat, eggs and milk
FAO trawl through 500 scientific papers and 250 policy documents, concluding that meat, dairy and eggs are important for the human diet.
Letter: equipment training for farmers is essential to animal welfare
“Essential farming equipment and animal welfare” - Brendan Smyth MVB, chair of Veterinary Ireland’s animal welfare committee.
26 April 2023 Letters
Ensuring adequate feeding and lying space this winter
A recommended minimum area for feeding and lying space of cattle exists and should be adhered to in almost all cases.
11 October 2022 Management