The purpose of the Bord Bia Quality Assurance audit is to assess conformance with the SBLAS standard, not to look for issues or to find fault with your farm.

During the audit, the auditor checks that the farm is meeting the standard, based on the evidence before them.

The audit lasts 90 minutes, on average, and the length can be influenced by how well you are prepared. The audit will also help your farm to meet the requirements of a cross-compliance audit.

On completion of an audit, any issues identified as ‘non-conformances’ will be explained to you by the auditor. You will not fail on the day of audit if issues arise; instead, you will have up to 28 days to put them right.

For example, if the auditor finds an unfenced lagoon, they would request that you provide a photo of that same lagoon made safe within 28 days. This can be submitted by post, text message or via email.

You can also upload evidence by logging on to

You can nominate an individual, such as a relative or neighbour, to complete the close-out on your behalf.

The close-out process does not apply if no issues are raised during the audit. In these cases, the audit report will go immediately to the certification body. Over 95% of farmers are certified within 14 days of their audit.

The audit: key steps

1 The audit begins with a brief opening meeting, to explain the purpose of the audit and confirm your consent.

2 The auditor inspects your flock or herd for general stock health, welfare and tagging requirements.

3 Your farm infrastructure – yard, pens, sheds, etc – are inspected to ensure they are reasonably neat, tidy and fit for purpose.

4 The auditor will access if there is pollution or environmental risks and any safety hazards.

5 The auditor will ask to see your farm documents and records. For new applicants, all records required under the scheme must have been correctly maintained for a period of at least six months prior to the audit. See checklist.

6 The audit ends with a closing meeting in which the auditor will inform you of the audit findings, explain any issues that need to be corrected (if necessary), and explain the recommendations they will be making (if any).

7 Before final certification, an inspection report goes to the inspection body. On successful completion, you receive your certification letter via post.

Record-keeping advice

In general, the majority of non-compliances found during the audit relate to record-keeping and in particular, recording of animal remedies (usage and purchase). Ensuring you have a full and complete record of all medicine purchases and medicine usages prior to the audit will eliminate any non-compliances.

For animal remedy usage, you must record the following:

  • Date of administration.
  • Name of medicine.
  • Quantity given.
  • Identification of animal.
  • Name of person giving the medicine/remedy or the name of the prescribing vet.
  • Date of the end of the withdrawal period. A common mistake is to insert the number of withdrawal days instead of the date of the end of withdrawal period.
  • Where an individual animal is treated, the identity of the animal must be clearly documented, for example using the tag number or freeze brand.

    Where the remedy is administered to a group of animals, it must be possible to clearly identify each animal in the group from the relevant herd register (eg all calves born from 1 January to 31 March only).

    Animal remedy purchase records can be kept using computer-based records, by using a manual such the Bord Bia Farm Book, or by retaining vet’s prescriptions for the previous six months.

    Following details must be included

  • Date of purchase.
  • Medicine name.
  • Quantity purchased.
  • Name and address of the supplier.
  • Checklist of documents required

  • Herd register (either online on Agfood or in the blue book).
  • Animal remedy purchase and usage records.
  • Animal movement records.
  • Passports/blue cards.
  • Knackery receipts (if applicable).
  • Animal health plan.
  • Record of animal mortality and significant health issues.
  • Feed purchase records and feed delivery dockets.
  • Pesticide usage (if used on the farm).
  • Farm safety risk assessment.
  • Waste plastic collection receipts (if any).
  • Sustainability survey.
  • Farmyard sketch of bait points (if bait points used).
  • Name of veterinary services providers, veterinary product suppliers, hauliers and any persons applying pesticides.
  • Supporting the Irish sheepmeat market

    Over 13,000 Quality Assured (QA) sheep farmers account for 70% of the domestically produced lamb processed by local factories.

    Achieving Quality Assured (QA) status allows Irish sheep producers to get the best price for their lambs when selling directly to processors and keep their options open when choosing to sell their lambs in the live market, while also providing a number of other on-farm benefits.

    From a market perspective, the assurances provided by the scheme in relation to quality and sustainability allows Irish processors to service the high-value domestic market.

    Domestic demand takes 15% of the total Irish sheepmeat output. QA status is a requirement of all the major Irish retail and foodservice customers in their product specifications for lamb.

    Recently, there has been growing interest from some key customers in the EU market for QA lamb, particularly those who already source QA beef.

    Damien Murray, Origin Green standards co-ordinator, Bord Bia.

    Purchasers of Irish lamb products are increasingly looking for proof that the meat is produced sustainably on farms that are certified members of an accredited Quality Assurance Scheme, based on sustainability principles.

    The Sustainable Beef and Lamb Assurance Scheme has been developed to help meet these demands from the marketplace and helps to support the strong reputation and premium positioning that Irish lamb holds in key export markets.