Kevin Moran had some issues with pneumonia in the past, which presented in unweaned calves at about eight weeks of age.

Last year, Kevin sat down with his vet, Paul Cummins from Ballinrobe Vets, to review his herd health protocols, and together they agreed to put in place a comprehensive vaccination programme.

“We vaccinated all our young calves with Rispoval RS+Pi3 IntraNasal at nine days of age,” Kevin explains, “followed by a single intramuscular injection of Rispoval 2 and Rispoval IBR-Marker Live at 13 weeks of age.”

“We made improvements in other areas of calf-rearing too, such as colostrum management, cleanliness and hygiene of feeding equipment, right through the calf-rearing phase,” he says.

“We also improved our daily routine, such as bedding, and reduced the number of calves per pen.

“The vaccine programme was one part of the overall package of measures we implemented, but we really found that it was the vaccination protocol that brought it all together well.

“With the Rispoval 2 single-dose booster there was no coughing and we had no cases of pneumonia throughout the spring and summer, even during difficult weather periods. This has made calf-rearing a lot more enjoyable, as there was a far better thrive and a better average daily gain, on the back of the Rispoval 2 vaccine.

“It has also dramatically reduced our veterinary bill because we’re being proactive rather than being reactive.”

Kevin’s vet, Paul, added: “The main causes of viral pneumonia in Ireland are RSV, Pi3 and IBR. We can protect young calves from nine days of age using Rispoval RS + Pi3 IntraNasal, and thankfully now we can follow on at three months of age with a single dose of Rispoval 2 intramuscularly to give a continuous protection.

“If you vaccinate your calves intra-nasally in February or March, as they hit nine days old, you can now follow up in May or June with a single shot of Rispoval 2 intramuscularly,” he says. “We are now in a situation whereby using the IntraNasal Rispoval and the intramuscular shot of Rispoval 2 three months later, offers continuous protection throughout the latter end of housing, throughout grazing and into the next housing season. And if you follow on six months later with Rispoval 2 again, you now get continuous protection right through to the start of breeding.”

Aurelie Moralis, veterinary surgeon with Zoetis commented: “Pneumonia is the main cause of mortality in calves and weanlings from one month of age on Irish farms. It is also the most costly disease due to the impact on future performance, such as daily liveweight gains, fertility, and milk production.

“The new Rispoval vaccination protocol allows young calves to be protected against RSV and Pi3, key pneumonia pathogens, until the point of breeding with only three injections. This gives farmers peace of mind and makes their day-to-day work easier and more enjoyable.”

Rispoval® RS+Pi3 IntraNasal and Rispoval® 2 contain modified live bovine Pi3 virus and BRSV. Rispoval® IBR-Marker live contains Bovine Herpes Virus type 1 (BHV-1), strain Difivac (gE-negative), modified live (attenuated) virus. POM(E). For further information contact your vet or Zoetis, Use medicines responsibly (