Aidan McDonnell rears 45 calf-to-beef animals annually, while also maintaining a 50-strong suckler herd – finishing all to beef – on a 140-acre holding just outside Roscommon town. He has used Triple AAA Golden Maverick for over 12 years.

“I’m a long-time user of Triple AAA Golden Maverick, given how good a job it does for me every year,” said Aidan.

“Since I also work outside the farm, time is precious so I need to have faith in the quality and consistency of the milk replacer I’m using. Triple AAA Golden Maverick gives me great peace of mind in that regard.”

Aidan continued: “From the last week in February, we calve over six to seven weeks. I also put out the bull and use AI for six to seven weeks.

“During that window, I take time off from my other job, which means I’m on the farm throughout that spell to take care of the cows whilst calving and then bucket feeding the calves.

I need to have faith in the quality and consistency of the milk replacer I’m using. Triple AAA Golden Maverick gives me great peace of mind in that regard

Triple AAA Golden Maverick – supplied to Aidan by JP Harkin, Volac Milk Replacers Ireland Ltd regional team leader, from a local supplier – contains vital vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, all of which assist in maintaining the excellent shape of his stock.

Offering tried-and-trusted performance levels, Triple AAA Golden Maverick contains 23% protein and 20% fat along with ash (7.5%), moisture (4% max), and fibre (0.1%).

It also contains a unique blend of proteins designed to promote easy absorption for each calf. These proteins nourish each animal while also augmenting its natural defences, all of which are tailored to create enhanced calf performance.

Aidan has been pleased with the health of his animals since first using Triple AAA Golden Maverick. “I’ve had minimal sickness to deal with over the past 12 years, which has been a huge plus for me as well,” he said.

“What’s working is worth keeping and that’s why having a high-quality milk replacer is so important,” he said

“In addition, I try not to buy a calf that weighs under 50kg. While age mightn’t matter as much, weight is a very significant factor when it comes to the health and welfare of the calf.”

Aidan concluded: “Triple AAA Golden Maverick works incredibly well for me. I’ve got great consistency when it comes to the health of the calves, there’s no issue with them post-feeding and they settle very well and very consistently for me.”

For further information on Triple AAA Golden Maverick, please contact your local Volac Milk Replacers Ireland business manager or visit