Suckler cattle were an excellent trade at Kilrea Mart this week, with an entry of 75 fat cows selling to £1,255 for a 680kg Charolais animal.

Other notable prices were a 590kg Limousin selling to £1,110 and a 640kg Charolais selling to £1,140.

Plainer cows sold from 150p to 170p/kg, with fleshed dairy cows making 125p to 135p/kg for an 800kg Friesian selling to £1,080 and a 700kg Fleckvieh selling to £945.


Beef heifers sold to £1,200 for a 590kg Limousin, with forward cattle over 500kg making £1,040 to £1,090.

Lighter types from 400kg to 500kg sold from £930 to £1,000. Heifers below 400kg sold from £540 to £785, depending on weight and quality.


Bullocks sold to £1,390 for a 690kg Limousin. Forward bullocks sold from £1,155 to £1,300, with mid-weight lots selling from £1,000 to £1,160. Lighter bullocks sold from £725 to £980.


A smaller entry of 220 calves sold to £350 for a Fleckvieh bull, with other lots making £220 to £280.

Angus bull calves sold from £250 to £335, while Hereford calves sold to £230. Belgian Blue bulls sold from £235 to £310, with Limousin calves making £260 to £330. Friesian bulls sold to £250.

Heifer calves sold to £355 for a Belgian Blue, with Fleckvieh heifers making £270 to £350. Limousin heifer calves sold to £250, while Charolais calves made £202. Angus heifers made £250.


The weekly sheep sale peaked at £98.50 for a pen of 26kg hoggets. Hoggets weighing 25kg sold from £93.20 to £94.20, with lighter lots selling from £880 to £90, depending on quality. Fat ewes sold to £95.

Dairy stock

Freshly calved heifers sold to £1,970, with other lots making £1,480 to £1,860. Second-calving heifers sold to £1,600, with cows making £1,480.

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Prime cattle steady, but cow prices rising

Breeding initiatives, Tullamore Farm and slurry