On Sunday 1 October, exhibitors returned home from Glenamaddy Agricultural Show in Co Galway and hung up their show whites and show halters for the final time for this summer show season.

It has been a whirlwind summer full of highs and lows, but large crowds, strong cattle entries and a crisp autumn day all helped to bring the 2023 show season to a fairytale ending.

Brendan, Martina and Mary O’Grady with the overall Limousin champion and reserve interbreed champion, Ballyline Sandy, at Glenamaddy Show. \ Shanon Kinahan

With plenty of quality cattle on display, the show called upon Paul Sykes to officiate over the pedigree classes, while Sean Walsh had the difficult job of selecting the winners in the Commercial cattle section.

Interbreed championship

After plenty of tough classes made up of many worthy winners in their own right, Sykes had to search along a strong lineup to find his interbreed and reserve interbreed champion.

Frank and Alan Gibbons with their interbreed pairs champions, Vida and Wolly, at Glenamaddy Show. \ Shanon Kinahan

Firstly, tapping out his supreme interbreed champion for the 2023 show, it was Glenamaddy native John O’Grady who took the plaudits when his January 2022-born heifer Glenree Tina ET, sired by Lisnagree Hansome, was tapped forward after she had previously secured success scooping the Charolais championship.

Another tough call for Sykes resulted in the reserve interbreed championship title for Brendan O’Grady from Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon, with his 30-month-old Plumtree Fantastic-sired heifer, Ballyline Sandy, which was previously victorious in the Limousin ring.

Commercial cattle

In the Commercial cattle ring, Sean Walsh had a number of tough calls to make throughout the day and when it came to the championship, his life was no easier.

Clodagh McCaffrey exhibiting the overall Commercial champion for the Brady family at Glenamaddy Show. \ Shanon Kinahan

Walsh tapped forward a strong Limousin-cross calf sired by Jagerbomb from the Castlerea-based herd of Michael Brady and family as the overall Commercial champion before he went on to find his reserve Commercial champion in Frank and Aisling Burke’s all age Belgian Blue-cross bullock Spud that ended his show career on another very positive note.