SuperValu is Ireland’s leading grocery retailer by market share. The Irish group took the top spot from long-time leaders Tesco in the Kantar Worldpanel’s market analysis for the first quarter of 2015. The volume of consumer spend on groceries increased in SuperValu stores by 3%. In contrast, Tesco experienced a fall of 3.4% in spend in the same period. This led to a 1.2% fall in market share for Tesco, allowing SuperValu into the top spot.
SuperValu is Ireland’s leading grocery retailer by market share. The Irish group took the top spot from long-time leaders Tesco in the Kantar Worldpanel’s market analysis for the first quarter of 2015.
The volume of consumer spend on groceries increased in SuperValu stores by 3%. In contrast, Tesco experienced a fall of 3.4% in spend in the same period. This led to a 1.2% fall in market share for Tesco, allowing SuperValu into the top spot.
Dunnes increased sales by almost 5% and market share by 0.8% to halve the gap with Tesco in the last 12 months. Dunnes now holds 22.7% of the market, although current industrial unrest could affect the company negatively.
Aldi and Lidl continue to grow market share, and now account for 16.8% of the overall market – over one-sixth – with Aldi maintaining a slight lead on Lidl (8.7% to 8.2%).
Who is SuperValu?
SuperValu is the flagship brand of the Musgrave group, with 222 stores around the country. Most of them are independent and locally owned, augmented by the 24 mainly Dublin-based stores formerly of Superquinn, bought in 2011 and rebranded last year. Supervalu and Centra comprise Musgrave retail, a division of the Musgrave Group. The group also owns Daybreak in the Republic of Ireland, Mace in Northern Ireland, and Londis in the UK. SuperValu, Centra and Daybreak combined give Musgraves a very prominent position in the Irish market.