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Forests in counties Clare, Galway, Mayo, Roscommon, Leitrim, Sligo, Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan were hit particularly hard, but some damage was caused in most counties.
With ash dieback weakening ash trees and increasing the risk of falling branches and trees there is a growing concern among farmers regarding safety risks posed to road users.
The grant will provide support to forestry contractors and timber hauliers for the purchase of new forest machinery that will optimise environmental performance.
Fine Gael, Labour and Green Party strongest on a balanced ecological and commercial forestry programme, while Sinn Féin proposes native only tree species.
Peter Thomas Keaveney travelled to the midlands to catch up with Ireland’s largest multifunctional tiller-mulcher, as it reclaimed 106 acres of an old Christmas tree plantation back into grassland.
Having been affected by ash dieback on Tykillen farm, agroforesty will benefit both livestock and the bees while promoting biodiversity. Kelsey Daly reports.