Five tips for early season slurry spreading
Kieran Mailey
As the window for slurry applications opens in mid-Janaury in designated regions of the country, outlined are some tips to spreading in early spring.
17 September 2024 Management
Time ticking for autumn slurry
Time is running out to get slurry tanks emptied before the closed period kicks in, although there are two different start dates for NI and the Republic Ireland.
‘If you’re losing nutrients, you’re losing money’
Teagasc adviser Hugh Rooney tells Caitríona Morrissey how farmers can make best use of their slurry, financially and environmentally, this autumn.
No end to the scale of beef production in Brazil
Managing grass in Brazil follows the same principles as our lush pastures in Ireland but it has some added complexities, writes Michael Martin.
21 August 2024 Feature