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A pair of non-residetnial holdings within 20 minute's drive from the outskirts of Cork city have recently become available for leasing, writes Tommy Moyles.
Primary school teacher Katie Helen travelled all the way from Wexford to north Queensland to discover her real passion for farming, writes Sarah McIntosh.
With Dairy Day returning to SuperValu Páirc Uí Chaoimh in Cork this week, we look at the variety of opportunities available within the dairy sector, writes Aretha Uamai.
Ahead of the Dairy Women Ireland conference that’s taking place on 23 November, we speak to the president of the voluntary organisation Mary Kinston about the future of the industry.
As part of the ASA travel bursary series, Brona McCabe from the Dundalk Institute of Technology talks about her experience working on JF Cobb & Sons dairy farm in Dorset, England.
As part of the ASA travel bursaries series, UCD student Shane O’Brien from Co Leitrim talks
about his time on dairy farms in Saskatchewan, Canada and Sansaw Dairy, Shrewsbury.