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The product has some big claims including 21% reduction in mortality compared to lambs which navel’s were treated with iodine and a 280g increase in liveweight at eight weeks of age.
If resources are limited for AHI, I often ask myself why is it spending scarce resources on programmes that I’m going to suggest could be classified as more ‘routine’ at this stage.
The experience of eradicating brucellosis shows that animal diseases can be eradicated, even in the face of farm organisation opposition to new measures, a Department official said.
ICOS hosted an information webinar on the opportunities for farmers in the bio-based economy with a focus on enhancing Ireland’s anaerobic digestion yield.
Temperatures are expected to rise in the coming days, bringing with it an increasing risk of respiratory problems in young cattle and animals recently housed.
In Ireland, blackleg was also variously known as black-quarter (with its Irish variants ‘cheathrú dhubh’ and ‘cheathrú ghorm’), quarter-evil, quarter-ill and speedy disease. John Flaherty reports.