When a former IFA president takes the time and effort to write a letter defending farmers on TB, you know there is a problem (see p37). Also when a large milk processor introduces a new method of getting money to help cashflow on farms that have been affected by TB, it’s another sign of a significant problem (see p6). While the money must be repaid, it is still a sign that the co-op management and directors recognise a significant pressure point on suppliers. If one in five herds have reactors, it shows the scale of the problem. Time for talking is long past – science-informed action is needed now that is bedded in practical realities, not theories.
When a former IFA president takes the time and effort to write a letter defending farmers on TB, you know there is a problem (see p37). Also when a large milk processor introduces a new method of getting money to help cashflow on farms that have been affected by TB, it’s another sign of a significant problem (see p6). While the money must be repaid, it is still a sign that the co-op management and directors recognise a significant pressure point on suppliers. If one in five herds have reactors, it shows the scale of the problem. Time for talking is long past – science-informed action is needed now that is bedded in practical realities, not theories.