Watch live as the Budget 2024 tax changes and farm measures are analysed by ifac, the Irish Farmers Journal and the Agricultural Science Association (ASA).

Moderated by ASA president Niamh Bambrick, the webinar distills the glut of information from the day and explains what is in store for agriculture and farmers in 2024.

Head of tax at ifac Marty Murphy discusses taxation measures from the day, while sheep and schemes editor with the Irish Farmers Journal Darren Carty discusses the agri schemes included in Budget 2024.

The Irish Farmers Journal team ran a live Budget 2024 blog detailing each of the agriculture-related announcements, which you can read here.

There will also be a six-page special focus on the budget in this week’s edition of the Irish Farmers Journal, in shops on Thursday.

Read more

Budget 2024: everything farmers need to know