We need to demand significant Government investment in productivity, not small-scale options like weigh crates and benchmarking. Attending the evidence session at the Scottish Affairs Committee meeting at Oatridge College this week, I left concerned we are making it too easy for the Government to offer small investments once outside the EU.

Historically, we signed away our chance of big grants when Margaret Thatcher negotiated the rebate.

If an investment of a couple thousand pounds saw a change in productivity, farmers would have done it by now

However, outside the EU we have the chance to rewrite the rulebook and it worries me that we are not dreaming big enough.

The panel of industry representatives and academics who spoke to the Scottish Affairs Committee mentioned equipment for weighing cattle, support for business benchmarking and using the beef efficiency scheme as a template for future farm support.

Anyone feeding livestock knows only too well that our long winters leave us at a competitive disadvantage to farmers further south

While these all have their place, if an investment of a couple thousand pounds saw a change in productivity, farmers would have done it by now.

Our competitors in France and Ireland have significant funds for building sheds and infrastructure upgrades.

This is the level of support we need to be asking for, not a few hundred pounds to get a facilitator to talk through the company books with farmers.

While benchmarking is a brilliant option for businesses looking to grow or make more money, if you get paid to do it then it becomes a half-hearted, box-ticking exercise to collect cash.

Anyone feeding livestock knows only too well that our long winters leave us at a competitive disadvantage to farmers further south.

It would be a good idea to provide grants to upgrade housing – which would show the Government is serious about backing us for the long haul.