In this week's news podcast, sponsored by Certa Ireland, we discuss how tillage farmers will receive record high grain prices this year. Sustainability specialist Siobhán Walsh tells us what it means for crop growers ahead of fertiliser uncertainty next year.
Political correspondent Pat O’Toole looks at the data breach by Tirlán this week, where a number of its dairy farmer suppliers received the incorrect monthly milk statement. Pat also reflects on the week-long poultry farmer protests at Aldi and Lidl in Cavan town, which ended Wednesday morning with a 1.2c/egg price increase secured.
News correspondent Noel Bardon talks roof-top solar panel planning requirements and updates us on the political response to the 10% Mica levy announced as part of Budget 2023.
Finally, news correspondent Rachel Donovan tells us about her trip to dairy farms in Holland with MSD animal health.
Listen in for the latest.