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Amy Forde met Irish Grain Growers’ chairman Bobby Miller as the organisation’s against low malting barley prices protests outside the Guinness brewery.
News editor Patrick Donohoe talked to Co Leitrim farmer John Taylor and Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture Andrew Doyle as weather conditions threaten a fodder shortage this winter.
Covering the Irish trade mission to Japan, news correspondent Hannah Quinn Mulligan asked EU diplomat Mervi Kahlos about the status of the recent trade agreement between the two partners.
In Japan, Hannah also spoke to Conor Muvihill, director of Dairy Industry Ireland, about the prospects for Irish cheese exports to Asia.
Machinery editor Michael Collins met Bernard Krone at Agritechnica in Germany.
Christophe Wigger of John Deere also spoke with Michael in Hannover.
The CERES network of women in the agri food industry held its first conference on Friday. News correspondent Amy Forde met Munster Cattle Breeding’s Doreen Corridan, who says farming must offer a better work-life balance to attract the best people.
Tommy Moyles attended a farm safety event for school students in Co Cork, where officials and farm accident survivors highlighted the risks of farm life with children.
Irish Country Living careers journalist Anthony Jordan reports on starting salaries for graduates this week. He told Thomas Hubert how various sectors compare.
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