The Climate Change Advisory Council recommendations are:

  • A reduction in bovine numbers: further dairy expansion is only sustainable if overall agricultural emissions are declining. An accelerated decline in suckler cow numbers would be an important contribution to emissions reductions, it says. This should be facilitated by “long-term and consistent supports and incentives to provide favourable environmental outcomes and alternative economic opportunities”.
  • Address the drainage of peatlands: ongoing drainage of organic soils for different uses, including peat extraction, grazing and forestry, is producing emissions.
  • Increase afforestation rates.
  • Agroforestry should be considered: agroforestry is where trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or grass. The council says agroforestry can improve nutrient retention, soil stability and drainage properties, and hedges would enhance carbon sequestration.
  • Implement cost-effective measures in Teagasc Marginal Abatement Cost Curve (MACC): these 27 measures include increased forestry planting, using protected urea and more efficient animal breeding.
  • Support additional research into mitigation options.
  • Provide resources for better understanding and education about climate change and mitigation.

    Engage with stakeholders and ensure a “just transition”.

  • Verification and monitoring of Ireland’s green credentials for food production.
  • Support research on carbon neutrality and continue support of research into carbon balance.
  • Read more

    ‘Slash suckler herd’ – climate report

    Paying farmers to exit beef: 'extensification' proposed for next CAP

    Listen: large-scale suckler cull recommended by climate report