The strong appetite for sheepmeat exhibited by factories in recent weeks is reflected in last week’s kill recorded at 63,744 head, despite a day’s less processing.
The number of sheep slaughtered to date in 2023 is running 36,643 head higher than 2022 with hogget throughput increasing by over 32,000 head.
Factories continue to display an insatiable appetite for sheep, with reports indicating sales were positive for the Easter trade.
Their attention has quickly turned to filling orders for the Islamic festival of Ramadan with consumption peaking when the festival ends on 20 April.
The vibrant demand is reflected in Kildare Chilling lifting its hogget quote for Thursday by 30c/kg to a base quote of €7/kg. The move has put pressure on competing factories to follow suit with the spring lamb trade also firming by 10c/kg and prices now ranging from €7.80/kg to €8/kg.
Plants in Northern Ireland have lifted their hogget quotes by 5p/kg to £5.85/kg with returns of £6/kg (€6.81/kg) much more common. Lamb quotes have opened at £6.40/kg (€7.26/kg).
Meanwhile, an all-island Irish Grown Wool Council has been formed tasked with creating additional value in the wool supply chain and returning a fair proportion of value to the primary producer.