There is no real change in factory prices. Steers are on a general base of €4.10/kg but producers with 20 head or more to sell, and regular suppliers, are getting a base of up to €4.12/kg to €4.15/kg.

There is more scope to negotiate on heifers. R and U grade bulls range from €4.05/kg to €4.15/kg. Small numbers of Friesians are moving from €3.85/kg to €4.00/kg. Bulls under 16 months old are fetching €4.05/kg.

Cows are a super trade. P+3 grades are selling from €3.40/kg to €3.50/kg, while O grades range from €3.50/kg to €3.55/kg.

The N orthern Ireland trade continues to strengthen.

Read more

Beef trends: more cows holds kill up

Editorial: Europe no longer a high-priced beef market