The only real change in the beef trade in recent days is that cattle aged over 30 months are now starting to move quicker in many plants.

The lift in appetite is stemming from cattle aged under 30 months tightening further and while the priority remains on these stock, factories have no option but to start sourcing higher numbers of older cattle.


Prices are unchanged, with steers moving on a base of €3.45/kg, with irregular deals completed at a 5c/kg higher base. A wide differential remains in the heifer base, with the majority moving from a base of €3.45/kg to €3.50/kg and small numbers 5c/kg higher.

There is solid demand for Angus cattle aged under 30 months and this is also being reflected in a livelier mart trade, where factory feedlot buyers continue to insert strong competition to the trade.

With regards to demand for cattle aged over 30 months, agents are cherry-picking lighter-carcase lots, with those that have run into heavier weights due to the delay in processing caused by factory protests in cases meeting reduced appetite.

Other plants continue to penalise carcase weights over 430kg to 440kg, but this very much varies between and even within plants, depending on the profile of all cattle on offer and the producer-processor relationship.

Cow trade

There is also more bite in the cow trade, with regular sellers in cases securing an extra 5c/kg, while others are witnessing the price pressure of recent weeks slowly abate.

P+3 grading cows are trading from €2.55/kg to €2.70/kg, with O grades starting at €2.70/kg and rising to €2.75/kg to €2.80/kg, with fleshed carcases weighing in excess of 300kg meeting stronger demand.

O grading cows are starting in some plants at €2.90/kg, with those with more interest in the cow trade paying €3.00/kg.


Bulls are steady, with numbers seasonally higher. R grading bulls range in the main from €3.40/kg to €3.50/kg, but there is a small number of plants trying to purchase at 5c/kg to 10c/kg lower.

Likewise, O grading lots range anywhere from €3.10/kg to €3.25/kg, while better-quality U grading bulls are selling from €3.50/kg to €3.55/kg. Again, carcase weights have an influence on prices paid, so it is wise to establish potential penalties before moving stock.

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In pictures: heifer prices well up at Mohill Mart

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