Beef quotes have started to move upwards with more bite in this week’s trade.

Foyle Meats in Donegal has moved its bullock base price to €5.20/kg with heifers rising to €5.25/kg to secure supplies.

Cows have also firmed up with an extra 5-10c/kg available for cows compared to two weeks ago.

Speaking at a Teagasc event in Tullamore on Tuesday night, Bord Bia’s Seamus McMenamin was upbeat about the beef trade for the remainder of the year pointing to a tightening in supplies having a positive affect on price.

The gap with the UK beef price remains at almost record levels with UK prices rising by 2-5p/kg again last week.

China visit

Back home a delegation from China are in Ireland this week visiting meat plants and viewing facilities.

It is understood the trip was arranged prior to Ireland’s atypical BSE case but reopening the market is likely to be top of the agenda in any talks.