John Heslin outlined targets for replacement heifers in a spring-calving grass-based system at the Teagasc beef conference on Tuesday.
The winter period weight gain is important if heifers are to hit target weight gains for breeding next May.
He assumes that with a 135-day winter, heifers will be turned out six weeks pre-breeding and that breeding will start on 1 May.

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Beef management: housing space for bulls
Beef management: listeria infections
John Heslin outlined targets for replacement heifers in a spring-calving grass-based system at the Teagasc beef conference on Tuesday.
The winter period weight gain is important if heifers are to hit target weight gains for breeding next May.
He assumes that with a 135-day winter, heifers will be turned out six weeks pre-breeding and that breeding will start on 1 May.

Read more
Beef management: housing space for bulls
Beef management: listeria infections