Weanlings were a brisk trade last Saturday in Carrigallen Mart, which had just over 200 cattle at its weekly Saturday sale of suck calves and weanlings.

Saturday saw the mart move over to the Irish Farmers Journal Martbids bidding software for the first time.

Top call went to a February 2024-born Charolais weanling weighing 390kg and selling for €1,730 (€3.64/kg).

A January-born Belgian Blue-cross-Limousin weighing 422kg sold for €1,600 (€3.79/kg).

Golden Charolais and red Limousins were the order of the day, with exporters and farmers vying to secure the top weanlings.

The general run of good-quality weanlings were making from €3.40/kg to €3.60/kg, with a few exceptional lots hitting closer to €4/kg.

In the heifer ring, Michael Reilly’s hammer was falling at similar prices, with good-quality heifers making from €3/kg to €3.50/kg.

A number of lots of Friesian and Aberdeen Angus runners were selling around the €2/kg mark.

These were a mixture of spring 2024-born and late 2023-born cattle.

Carrigallen Mart will hold a special sale of autumn-born weanlings on Saturday 14 September, with its annual show and sale of bull weanlings taking place on Saturday 5 October, while the annual show and sale of heifer weanlings will take place on Saturday 12 October.

In pictures

This January 2024 born Limousin bull weanling weighed 330kg and sold for €1,100 (€3.33/kg).

This February 2024 born Charolais bull weanling weighed 408kg and sold for €1,260 (€3.09/kg).

This February 2024 born Charolais bull weanling weighed 310kg and sold for €960 (€3.10/kg).

This February 2024 born Charolais bull weanling weighed 340kg and sold for €1,190 (€3.50/kg).

This March 2024 born Charolais bull weanling weighed 354kg and sold for €1,100 (€3.11/kg).

This May 2024 born Limousin bull weanling sold for €810.

This April 2024 born bull weanling sold for €800.