A dry, sunny week has had a huge impact on the cattle trade with grass buyers lighting up the trade in marts. The shackles of the wet spring are now off, with some exceptional prices being paid for cattle to go to grass.
A dry, sunny week has had a huge impact on the cattle trade with grass buyers lighting up the trade in marts.
The shackles of the wet spring are now off, with some exceptional prices being paid for cattle to go to grass.
The Irish Farmers Journal MartBids database shows the dry week has benefited light weanlings the most, with 200kg to 300kg weanlings up 20c/kg or between €40/head and €60/head on the previous week.
Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal, Seán Leahy of Cork Marts said there are a lot more customers looking for light store cattle.
“Light Aberdeen Angus stores are passing €3/kg now and it could go up more in the next few weeks. Numbers coming out for sale are up 500 head in the last few days.”
Farmers in the Area of Natural Constraints (ANC) scheme are also injecting energy into the trade. Farmers in the scheme must have a minimum stocking rate for 28 weeks of 2024 to qualify for the payment.
Factories are also struggling to get supplies with farmers concentrating on field work, with bullocks up by 5c/kg to €5.15/kg to €5.20/kg.
The sheep trade has also made gains this week, with hoggets and spring lambs up 20c/kg to 40c/kg, with top prices for spring lamb hitting €10/kg.