The beef trade continues to strengthen with the latest Department of Agriculture official prices showing an improvement in the average base grades for the second last week of 2024.

The ABG on the bullock category came in at 582.20c/kg for the week ending 22 December 2024. This was up 3.1c/kg on the previous week.

Heifers recorded a 5.4c/kg increase to bring the ABG to 605.20c/kg for the same week.

The ABG stands for the average of base grades.


Factories are ranked on the average of the reported prices paid for the QPS base grades (ie animals grading R= and R- on conformation and from 2+ to 4= on fat score).

Prices include the 12c/kg or 20c/kg in-spec Quality Assurance bonus paid on eligible animals and/or other bonuses. Prices include VAT at 4.8%. A full breakdown of prices paid for all grades is available each week at

The full factory tables for bullocks, heifers, bulls and cows are listed below: