A new planning application for a wind farm in south Longford will be submitted by Bord na Móna, according to the company.
The planning application for the proposed Derryadd Wind Farm will be submitted within the next year.
It follows a High Court ruling to overturn a decision by An Bord Pleanála in June 2020 to grant planning permission for the 24-turbine Derryadd Wind Farm project. The ruling was based on a point of planning law.
The wind farm had already secured grid capacity and Bord na Móna has now committed to reviewing its proposals in order to secure planning permission a second time.
The company says it is committed to liaising with the local community on its proposals for the development and is beginning to contact local residents this week.
The proposed wind farm will be just 1% of the total land area of the Mountdillon bog group and will contribute to both Ireland’s and the European Union’s renewable energy targets, says Bord na Móna.
The company also claims the development will also contribute to increasing the security of Ireland's energy supply and will facilitate a higher level of energy generation and self-sufficiency.
Bord na Móna head of renewables John Reilly said: “Following detailed review of options, it was decided that over the coming months the project team will be advancing the project design to form part of a new planning application [for the Derrywadd Wind Farm].
“The proposed design will incorporate key elements of the proposed Mid-Shannon Wilderness Park, which is fully supported by Bord na Móna, in the form of amenity trails throughout the site.
"It is very important to us that we balance our land bank development so that we can leverage the opportunity to deliver a sustainable source of energy for local businesses and residents, while at the same time providing natural amenities for people to enjoy.”
Once the wind farm design team completes its work, a series of community engagement sessions will be held with local communities adjacent to discuss the proposals. The details of these sessions will be advertised in due course, according to John.
He said Bord na Móna is committed to keeping the local Longford community informed about the project as it progresses and will be providing residents with updates over the coming months.
In the meantime, anyone who would like any further information on the proposed development can visit the website www.derryaddwindfarm.ie, contact the project’s community liaison officer James on 087-708 7022 or email the project team at derryaddwindfarm@bnm.ie.
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Members of the Oireachtas among objectors to Clare wind farm
A new planning application for a wind farm in south Longford will be submitted by Bord na Móna, according to the company.
The planning application for the proposed Derryadd Wind Farm will be submitted within the next year.
It follows a High Court ruling to overturn a decision by An Bord Pleanála in June 2020 to grant planning permission for the 24-turbine Derryadd Wind Farm project. The ruling was based on a point of planning law.
The wind farm had already secured grid capacity and Bord na Móna has now committed to reviewing its proposals in order to secure planning permission a second time.
The company says it is committed to liaising with the local community on its proposals for the development and is beginning to contact local residents this week.
The proposed wind farm will be just 1% of the total land area of the Mountdillon bog group and will contribute to both Ireland’s and the European Union’s renewable energy targets, says Bord na Móna.
The company also claims the development will also contribute to increasing the security of Ireland's energy supply and will facilitate a higher level of energy generation and self-sufficiency.
Bord na Móna head of renewables John Reilly said: “Following detailed review of options, it was decided that over the coming months the project team will be advancing the project design to form part of a new planning application [for the Derrywadd Wind Farm].
“The proposed design will incorporate key elements of the proposed Mid-Shannon Wilderness Park, which is fully supported by Bord na Móna, in the form of amenity trails throughout the site.
"It is very important to us that we balance our land bank development so that we can leverage the opportunity to deliver a sustainable source of energy for local businesses and residents, while at the same time providing natural amenities for people to enjoy.”
Once the wind farm design team completes its work, a series of community engagement sessions will be held with local communities adjacent to discuss the proposals. The details of these sessions will be advertised in due course, according to John.
He said Bord na Móna is committed to keeping the local Longford community informed about the project as it progresses and will be providing residents with updates over the coming months.
In the meantime, anyone who would like any further information on the proposed development can visit the website www.derryaddwindfarm.ie, contact the project’s community liaison officer James on 087-708 7022 or email the project team at derryaddwindfarm@bnm.ie.
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Members of the Oireachtas among objectors to Clare wind farm