Carnaross Drama Group in Meath debuts its annual production in the town’s community centre on Friday, 14 February. Drama at Inish is set in a small seaside resort in the early 1930s. The dull routine of the town is plunged into chaos by the arrival of a theatre group, led by the De la Meres, who have been contracted to take over the local theatre for a season. Carnaross Drama Group was founded in 2005 and is well-known for its lively, high-quality productions. The show runs from the 14 to 16 February and 21 to 23 February. Tickets cost €12. Call 087 0554158 for bookings.
Carnaross Drama Group in Meath debuts its annual production in the town’s community centre on Friday, 14 February. Drama at Inish is set in a small seaside resort in the early 1930s. The dull routine of the town is plunged into chaos by the arrival of a theatre group, led by the De la Meres, who have been contracted to take over the local theatre for a season. Carnaross Drama Group was founded in 2005 and is well-known for its lively, high-quality productions. The show runs from the 14 to 16 February and 21 to 23 February. Tickets cost €12. Call 087 0554158 for bookings.